

New Year, Big News! We Got Married, Part 1

I got married! That’s right: this girl is now a Mrs.


My beautiful bouquet and our rings. Love that bow tie!

Where to start? Well, I could fill a book with nothing but pictures of my nephew’s face during the whole process. He was quite the ring bearer! (Er, excuse me…”Ring Dude.”) I will definitely need a longer post to fill in all the details of the ceremony and such, but for now, I will tell you that the whole thing went incredibly smoothly. It was “stunning”, as my aunt put it. Most importantly, both the Mr. and I were entirely present in the moment. We were able to speak with our hearts, which I felt was a big gift. Thanks to the hard work of my Mom, Sister-in-Law and family friend, Marilyn, we made it to the ceremony relatively calmly.

The Officiant and the Ring Dude. :)

The Officiant and the Ring Dude. 🙂

In my next post, I promise to get into the nitty-gritty of planning, flowers, glitter for days and other sundry details. And of course..more photos!

Until then, Happy 2013, all!


Catching a little Auntie Katie and Neph time. He did such a great job!